What People are saying

"I used to get really bad stomach cramps, but ever since I had purchased Fresco Control and started throwing things out when they officially went bad, I haven't had any!"
Jane R.
Edmond, OK

"My dad has Alzheimers and FC had really helped him reduce the amount of food poisoning that he used to get. He always used a marker to note when a product was opened, but in a fridge with all the condensation, it would get erased easily... Thanks Fresco!"
Peter K.
New York, NY

"Fresco Control is GREAT if your memory isn't what it use to be (like mine). As remembering when I put something in the freezer to have, a couple weeks later becomes a couple months later (with my memory, maybe even a year)."
Shannon W.
Chicago, IL

"It works perfectly for meal prepping and leftovers. I love it!"
Mel G.
Dallas, TX

"Honestly, I recommend buying 3 right off the bat! With free shipping, that's a very good bargain."
Joe K.
New York, NY

"Did you ever look in your fridge and try to remember when you actually made that dinner and if the leftovers are still good? Exactly, this solves that issue PERFECTLY."
Mark N.
San Diego, CA