241 Reviews

After a product had been opened, the “Best By” date does NOT matter anymore. It needs to be USED WITHIN DAYS and stored at the RIGHT TEMPERATURE.

This is where Fresco Control comes in.

FRESCO CONTROL is a new global innovation that warns us about food and product expiration dates. It also monitors the correct temperature for product storage, primarily after the original packaging had been opened. It was designed with clear goals – to help preserve health, to ensure more economical handling of food and reducing food waste and ultimately to increase your budget. The BEST BY date does NOT matter after a perishable product had been opened. The “Use in X days” date comes into effect then!
Find the answers to Frequently Asked Questions by clicking HERE.
Why Fresco?

After a product had been opened, the “Best By” date does NOT matter anymore. It needs to be USED WITHIN DAYS and stored at the RIGHT TEMPERATURE.

This is where Fresco Control comes in.

FRESCO CONTROL is a new global innovation that warns us about food and product expiration dates. It also monitors the correct temperature for product storage, primarily after the original packaging had been opened.

It was designed with clear goals – to help preserve health, to ensure more economical handling of food and reducing food waste and ultimately to increase your budget.

The BEST BY date does NOT matter after a perishable product had been opened. The “Use in X days” date comes into effect then!

Find the answers to Frequently Asked Questions by clicking HERE.

Fresco Control

$ 78.00 $ 49.32



More of "Why":

It is very important that the food and products that you have are always fresh, edible and useful. You can only do that by storing products  correctly and at the advised temperature. FC has the ability to control the shelf life and at the same time control the prescribed temperature of a product, thus enabling you to live a healthy and care-free life.

Fresco Control  is a “Safe guard”  for your food, products and your health.

1. Helps you correctly store products and monitors their shelf life, ensuring that opened food and products always remain suitably fresh, edible and useful.

2. Warns of remaining shelf life, expired shelf life, and the number of days the product had been opened.

3. Warns of correct product storage temperature.

4. It ensures order and tidiness in the refrigerator, establishing a system of storage for products that we use.

5. It optimizes our purchases and consumption, ensuring savings in our household budget. It promotes economical and prudent food management.

6. Reduces the amount of food waste in the household.

7. With Fresco Control, you can be assured that your food and products are suitable for consumption and use!

  • Tracks Product Expiration Dates
  • Fits on Products of Any Size
  • Measures Temperature
  • Audio and Video Signals

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